
Refugee Text was a serviced designed to allow incoming refugee to have access to information. Information is crucial for people on the one and aide organizations often struggle to keep refugees informed. The information gap often leads refugees struggling on where they will be able to get help.

Refugee Text was designed as a tool to aide those organizations to give information. It was available online and through SMS by an organization updating Refugee Text with the most recent information. A refugee would then respond to the text and answer texts. The chat bot would then tailor information to their specific needs.

The service would retrieve content from a database of relevant legal advice that would be updated on a monthly basis by legal advisers from humanitarian organizations. This service was eventually not put in motion as the backing of the project reached only 5% of its overall goal of $30,000.


Their area of competence as interface and service designers is creating goods and services that satisfy the requirements of their consumers. They collaborate closely with knowledgeable humanitarian NGOs to develop specialized SMS information solutions that will improve their communication capabilities.

Kåre M.S. Solvåg has experience in interface design and design engineering. His expertise ranges from system development to human-centered research.

Ciarán Duffy has a background in many academic fields, including music, French, and linguistics. His area of expertise is conceptual design and people-centered research, which ensures that services and products meet customer needs and expectations.

Caroline Arvidsson has a wealth of experience working as a service design consultant, and she is particularly skilled at translating clients' real-world issues into workable design solutions. She has volunteered with several national and international NGO's since she is an ardent humanitarian.

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Who is Refugee Text for?

It was intended for refugees who want reliable, current information. There was a piliot service that provided details about applying for asylum in Europe. Content was planned to be expanded upon in accordance with the demands of the organizations and refugees we deal with.

How much does it cost?

Receiving texts from Refugee Text is cost-free. Depending on your network provider, sending an SMS to will incur local fees. It cost nothing to utilize Refugee Text on Facebook or Telegram.

Where was Refugee Text available?

In Germany, Denmark, and Sweden, Refugee Text was being tested as an SMS message. Information about requesting asylum is now available from Germany, Sweden, and Denmark. The information in the service is now being expanded as quickly as feasible.

How can someone use Refugee Text on their phone?

Refugee Text is currently unavailable but was used on any mobile device that accepted SMS. To text Refugee Text, you would not have needed to be connected to internet.

Who provides the information?

None of the content provided by Refugee Text is original. In order to determine what data should be included in the service, we do extensive study and coordinate with reputable NGOs and organizations. Refugee Text organizes the data into a dynamic SMS service with a number of unique mechanisms.

Aren’t you encouraging refugees to come to Europe?

Refugee Text is a method used by reputable organizations to swiftly and efficiently deliver the most important information to refugees. We only collaborate with organizations whose information can be relied upon to be accurate and up to date.